Top 15 LingQ Alternatives For All Languages (2024 Research)

By Ibrahim Litinine

Proofread and fact-checked by Ernest Bio Bogore

Last updated

LingQ offers quite a unique approach to teaching languages online. 

The company promotes an approach that emphasizes comprehensible input and extensive exposure to learning materials over explicit grammar instruction and rote memorization. Here is what that means. 

Unlike most companies with an app, you won’t be getting random flashcards and memorization drills with LingQ. But here is a quick summary of what learners for the company’s teaching method:

  • LingQ provides you with a vast library of graded, authentic content like books, podcasts, news, etc. on various topics. When you sign up, you get access and you can engage with any content as you see fit. 

  • The company also lets you import your own content (videos, songs, etc.) to create interactive and personalized lessons based on what you feel you need. 

  • The app gets you to focus on understanding the language first through listening and reading before you move on to practicing and speaking.

  • You get to learn vocabulary in context using transcripts or subtitles rather than memorizing word lists. 

  • They also rely on a spaced repetition system (SRS) to reinforce your vocabulary and make sure you don’t forget. 

  • You’ll also get the tools you need to track your progress and there is an online community where you can meet with peers and practice as much as you want.  

Sure thing is, LingQ’s approach has its merits. And one could argue that it provides an enjoyable and motivating learning experience for learners. 

However, there are significant limitations that call into question whether LingQ alone can enable you to achieve true fluency. Just a few examples. 

  • The lack of live instruction and feedback from qualified teachers as well as the absence of a defined curriculum to avoid gaps means you’re on your own and probably jumping on lessons randomly. 

  • The lack of practice in output skills like speaking and writing suggests that the app will well assist you in learning new words and memorizing them, you could even understand people, but you won’t be able to speak and your writing will be terrible. 

  • There are no well-detailed grammar lessons. Take French and Spanish for example, you just can’t write or speak without a native laughing at you. Not only is grammar really complex in those languages, it is paramount but LingQ doesn’t include comprehensive grammar in its program. 

  • There is a huge potential to overwhelm beginners thrown into native materials too soon. There are no specifics indicating that courses on LingQ are categorized for learners of different levels. Combined with the lack of live tutors, you’ll feel information overload if you’re new to learning.

  • There is also no way to objectively assess and validate your proficiency as you learn and practice through the app — which makes the expected outcome and the goal of the company quite questionable. What do they expect you to become after learning with them? Oh, they expect to become good at French? Well, then how will they know?

All of these suggest that LingQ’s language learning approach is incomplete. 

While it’s obviously valuable, the self-driven method lacks components like balanced practice, structured guidance, live teaching, and more that are necessary to support you in your journey toward fluency and total mastery.

In this article, we discuss 14 LingQ alternatives you can consider for learning any language. 

But first, we will introduce you to our French learning company, Get French Classes, and detail how we offer our learners a more comprehensive approach to learning French that guarantees their proficiency and fluency. 

So, let’s get started. 

🇫🇷 Learn From Meghan's Mistakes!

Meghan spent months trying out techniques like vocabulary memorization, spaced repetition, and gamification apps like Duolingo. None of it worked, instead it ended up being total waste of time and money. She had a breakthrough only after discovering Get French Classes where she went through our active immersion, that helped her:

  1. build the daily habits of speaking French,

  2. practice under real-life scenarios through private French classes,

  3. improve fluency through group classes with other French learners.

Join one of our French courses and start speaking French today.

Why Get French Classes is your Best LingQ Alternative to Learning French Online

If you’re truly serious about mastering and speaking French, you’ve probably realized by now that language apps alone just don’t cut it. 

Programs like LingQ are great for building basic vocabulary and exposing you to native materials (like we’ve detailed earlier). But at the end of the day, simply reading and listening won’t prepare you for the real-world demands of speaking and writing French fluently.

The big limitation of self-study apps is the lack of live instruction, feedback, and structured curriculum. You’re left to blindly navigate through lessons with no guidance, making it easy to develop bad habits or lose yourself over grammar nuances as you write or try to speak. 

Sure, your comprehension will improve — but then you’ll freeze up the moment you need to construct sentences and actually talk with natives.

That’s why at Get French Classes, we go way beyond just passive language materials. 

Our program combines video lessons with unlimited live coaching, group conversation practice, cultural immersion activities, and more into one powerfully integrated system.

Unlike the approach of hopping around random native materials like LingQ suggests, our curriculum is carefully structured into logical levels with each new module building consistently upon previous concepts. Here is a breakdown. 

You’ll start with the fundamentals of pronunciation, sentence structure, and vocabulary through our video lessons taught by engaging native French speakers. 

Our lessons are designed for effective learning by breaking down unique language concepts into concise, focused videos. Each 5-minute video covers just one core language concept to prevent overwhelming you with too much information at once.

Get French Classes, best LingQ Alternatives to learn French

Rather than just lecturing stale grammar rules, our videos detail modern vernacular and expressions as natives actually speak them. 

Get French Classes, best LingQ Alternatives to learn French

You’ll learn proper pronunciation nuances, dissect slang and idiomatic phrases, and start internalizing the linguistic quirks that give French its remarkable texture.

By the end of every video, you’ll have a clear understanding of the lesson we’re teaching, the key takeaway, and how to apply it in real-world situations. 

Get French Classes, best LingQ Alternatives to learn French

The videos systematically explain the basics of the concept, and the rules for using it properly, and provide realistic examples.

You’ll be watching the videos at your own pace and there is always a recap at the end that reinforces the main learning points. The videos also include supplemental notes, remarks, and nice-to-know details. However, you’ll be encouraged to take notes to reinforce your learning.

This method ensures you can fully grasp and retain each new concept we teach you. It also makes studying simple and manageable for busy people while the examples and recaps solidify how to effectively use what you’ve learned. 

Here's what our learners say:

Heather took our french course and loves our french tutors

As a busy mom and professional, learning French has been complicated for me. But since I started learning with Get French Classes, I have seen my French improve FAST. Through the lessons, I not only get to practice every day, but I also have more opportunities than before. I can practice with my advisor, private tutor, and other learners like me.

Beza gives glowing testimonial to Get French Classes' tutors and course materials.

What I like the most about the program is that all my tutors are native speakers. They do help me not only understand the French language, but also the culture and the nuances of some words and expressions. And mostly, the live sessions are engaging and fun.

Sunu Kim took french lessons from Get French Classes and enjoys it.

I chose Get French Classes because their teaching materials and content are incredibly rich, going from everyday expressions to more specialized ones. I also get many opportunities to interact with tutors, and that has a huge impact on my fluency.


I've tried learning French on my own before, but nothing compares to this program. The combination of video lessons, live tutoring sessions, and group practice made learning French enjoyable and effective.

You’ll have a lot of written and spoken practice exercises to consolidate your learning.  

The recaps are good, but not enough. So, at the end of each 5-minute video lesson, you’ll find supporting materials as well as a lot of speaking and writing assignments. Here is an example of a spoken assignment:

Get French Classes, best LingQ Alternatives to learn French

And here is an example of a written assignment:

Get French Classes, best LingQ Alternatives to learn French

These assignments serve two key purposes:

  1. To allow you to practice applying the concept you just learned. It serves to reinforce your understanding and aid your retention of the material. That’s a better approach than merely repeating stuff. 

  2. To enable your tutor to assess your grasp of the concept so that they can qualify you for the next step in the program.

After completing the assignments, you’ll submit them to your tutor for review. Your tutor will provide corrections and feedback to identify areas needing further explanation.

Only once your assignments demonstrate a solid understanding of the concept will you qualify for your next private tutoring session. This ensures you arrive prepared. And you and your tutor get to focus solely on clarifying any remaining nuances or misunderstandings.

You’ll meet face-to-face with your personal French coach for invaluable one-on-one virtual coaching sessions.

Our tutors don’t simply lecture at you. At Get French Classes, our tutor’s most highlighted job description is to be your French-speaking companion, to guide you on your language learning journey — providing you with the feedback and materials you need.

Get French Classes, best LingQ Alternatives to learn French

We know from experience that true fluency only comes from practicing the language — inside and outside of lessons. So, your tutor (who is a native French speaker) should be the person you practice conversing with before speaking to others.

Imagine spending two hours just being lectured at — when do you actually process what’s taught and get to practice? When do you converse to receive feedback? How can you fully absorb everything covered?

That’s why we flip the typical model at Get French Classes. You, the learner, are at the forefront. You complete video lessons and assignments first to prepare. And then during your private tutoring session, rather than lecturing, your tutor:

  • Provides feedback on mistakes from your assignments.

  • Explores nuances and different contexts for applying the concepts.

  • Engages you to talk and offers real-time feedback.

You drive the conversation while your tutor offers expert guidance. This maximizes your opportunity to actively practice and reinforce your French skills.

So, contrary to apps like LingQ, our approach ensures you aren’t passively listening, but actively building proficiency through personal application and feedback every step of the way.

Here are some of our tutors:

You’ll participate in small-group video sessions and social clubs with peers and tutors conducted 100% in French.

The main reason people struggle with oral fluency despite understanding the language is a lack of practice speaking it. So, to ensure our learners don’t face this issue, we’ve incorporated two small group sessions per week in addition to your private tutoring.

Get French Classes, best LingQ Alternatives to learn French

Each group consists of just 4-6 learners on the same level as you, further divided into two teams of 2 or 3 with the group tutor at the center, observing and monitoring the activities. During these sessions, you’ll have the opportunity to:

  1. Get to know and connect with fellow learners from around the world.

  2. Share your own experiences and listen to others’ stories.

  3. Participate in debates/discussions on specific themes. 

While one team debates their perspective, the other team actively listens and takes notes on mistakes or mispronunciations made by the speakers. After the debate, you’ll provide feedback to each other.

Not only does this create an engaging environment to practice conversation skills, but you’ll receive real-time corrections from both your classmates and your tutor. This multi-directional feedback loop is an invaluable way to identify and improve on your weaknesses.

Our tutors are all native speakers, so you’re getting authentic pronunciation modeling along with their insights into the nuances and slang of the French language.

But it doesn’t end there. We also have what we like to call social clubs. In our social clubs, learners of the same group also get together with their tutors to engage in a bunch of extracurricular activities. 

For example, you could find yourself watching a French movie, and each member will share their thoughts and comment on the main themes of the movie. You could also take a virtual tour of the big cities in France like Paris, Lyon, Marseille, etc.

At the end of every trimester, we pick our best learners from the program and offer them a full-ride trip to Paris. You get to visit France and put everything you’ve learned to use. Think of it like a free, fully-funded immersion trip. 

By combining private coaching, peer feedback, and group practice, you'll rapidly build the skills and confidence for natural, fluent conversation. Our approach ensures you use the language actively from day one.

You’ll have an accountability buddy, unlock badges when you hit milestones, and an official certificate if you show mastery. All is to ensure you’re well motivated and keep your momentum.

Learning a new language can sometimes feel overly serious or complicated. So, we strive to make the process more fun and as engaging as we can. That’s why we introduced achievement badges and milestones throughout our curriculum. 

As you reach specific goals or complete key modules, you’ll earn badges that indicate your accomplishments. There is also a leaderboard where we score and rank the best learners in a program. 

get french classes, the best live lingua alternative with certificate

However, we don’t simply provide certificates of completion. As we see our competitors do it,  competition certificates become the main focus and it ends up distracting learners from the ultimate prize, which is to gain actual fluency in spoken French.

Instead, you’ll only receive an official proficiency certificate after passing a comprehensive final exam evaluating your reading, writing, listening, and conversational skills.

This certificate represents tangible validation of achieving an ability to communicate fluidly in French across all disciplines. The credential is a well-earned byproduct of your hard work, not just course completion.

🇫🇷 Learn From Meghan's Mistakes!

Meghan spent months trying out techniques like vocabulary memorization, spaced repetition, and gamification apps like Duolingo. None of it worked, instead it ended up being total waste of time and money. She had a breakthrough only after discovering Get French Classes where she went through our active immersion, that helped her:

  1. build the daily habits of speaking French,

  2. practice under real-life scenarios through private French classes,

  3. improve fluency through group classes with other French learners.

Join one of our French courses and start speaking French today.

Top 2 LingQ Alternatives for Learning French Online

Rosetta Stone

Rosetta Stone, best LingQ Alternatives for Learning French Online

Best for: Individuals looking for structured, immersive language learning with opportunities for live coaching and feedback.

Description: Rosetta Stone is a language learning program with over 30 years of experience. It aims to help learners communicate effectively in real-life situations through a combination of interactive lessons, activities, and live coaching sessions with native speakers.

Service overview:

Rosetta Stone provides comprehensive language learning solutions tailored for individuals at all proficiency levels, as well as enterprises and schools. Its core lessons systematically introduce you to new vocabulary, phrases, pronunciation, and grammar concepts. 

Learners benefit from live coaching sessions with native-speaking teachers offering personalized feedback. With its customized approach, Rosetta Stone empowers learners worldwide to achieve their language goals effectively.

Why use them :

  • You get a structured, immersive approach with a focus on communication skills. 

  • They integrate interactive activities and scenarios that mimic real-life situations.

  • Opportunities for live practice and feedback from native speakers.

  • Proven track record with over 30 years of experience. 

Why not to use them:

  • It’s more expensive than some other language learning options on the market.

  • There is limited flexibility compared to self-paced programs. 

  • It’s not suitable for learners seeking a casual or social learning experience. 


  • 3-month plan: $15.99/month or $47.97 one-time payment

  • 12-month plan: $13.99/month or $167.88 one-time payment

  • Lifetime plan: $399 one-time payment


FrenchPod101, LingQ Alternatives for Learning French Online

Best for: Auditory learners who want an affordable, flexible audio/video lesson library with available personalized teacher guidance.

Description: FrenchPod101 is an online French learning platform offering audio and video lessons across all levels — beginner to advanced.

Service overview:

You get short videos breaking down conversations line-by-line and audio lessons with slowed playback so that you can understand more easily. There are supplemental materials like flashcards, slideshows, word lists, and to help you further train yourself and reinforce your skills. Learners also meet 1-on-1 with tutors to get feedback and homework.

Why use them:

  • Audio-focused approach, ideal for improving listening and pronunciation.

  • You can slow audio to better understand conversations.

  • There’s a wide variety of extra learning materials so you can practice and reinforce your skills.

  • Affordable pricing with free basic access available.

  • Personalized tutoring (Premium Plus)

Why not to use them:

  • No live group classes or practice opportunities.

  • Video content is more limited than full lesson platforms.

  • You’ll have to pay for their highest pricing tier for teacher access (Premium Plus).


  • Free plan

  • Basic plan: $4/month

  • Premium plan: $6.50/month

  • Premium Plus with teacher access: $14.87/month

Best LingQ Alternatives for Learning Spanish

Lingoda Spanish

Lingoda Spanish, Best LingQ Alternatives to Learn Spanish

Best for: Learners looking for an immersive, structured online language learning experience with live instruction and lots of speaking practice opportunities.

Description: Lingoda is an online language school that provides live, teacher-led classes via Zoom for levels A1 to C1. All classes are taught by qualified, native-speaking instructors with a focus on developing conversational abilities.

Service overview:

Lingoda offers three main classes:

  • Flex Classes - Flexible scheduling for 1-on-1 private or small group classes (3-5 students).

  • Sprint Classes - 2-month intensive group challenges with 30-60 classes for accelerated learning.

  • Teams Classes - Pre-scheduled group classes with fixed classmates/teachers for structured learning. 

The company’s classes cover skills like speaking, listening comprehension, reading, grammar, and pronunciation. Lessons incorporate authentic materials (lesson texts, flashcards, exercises) you can download and discussions on cultural topics. Also, there are quizzes after each class so you get to reinforce what was covered and memorize them. 

Why use them:

  • Immersive environment with classes fully taught in the target language.

  • Native instructors provide feedback and corrections to improve fluency.

  • Different intensity levels available from casual to highly intensive.

  • Small class sizes ensure ample opportunities for student interaction.

  • Structured curriculum aligned to CEFR proficiency standards. 

Why not to use them:

  • The live format is less flexible than self-paced programs.

  • It can be more expensive than some other online options.

  • The courses focus more on conversational skills vs other competencies. 


Lingoda’s pricing varies based on number of classes and the format you choose:

  • Sprint challenges are the most intensive but earn 50%+ of fees back in credits

  • Flex classes are pay-as-you-go with discounts for purchasing multiple classes upfront

  • Teams classes require a set 8-12 week commitment


Newsdle, Best LingQ Alternatives to Learn Spanish

Best for: Intermediate to advanced learners aiming to improve their practical Spanish skills through news and authentic learning materials.

Description: Newsdle is a language learning platform that uses real, up-to-date news articles as the basis for daily lessons in Spanish and French.

Service overview:

Newsdle offers a unique language learning experience by delivering three brand new lessons daily based on current news articles in Spanish (Spain), Spanish (LatAm), and French. 

These lessons, created by qualified language teachers, feature authentic content from reliable news sources accompanied by comprehension exercises and activities to reinforce understanding. 

Learners can enhance their skills with built-in features like live dictionaries, keyword lists, and graded audio recordings of the articles for practicing listening comprehension. 

The cross-platform accessibility through the website and mobile app allows users to sync their progress seamlessly across devices. That means continuous learning anywhere, anytime. 

Why use them:

  • You get uniquely engaging, relevant content from current news/events.

  • You focus on modern, practical vocabulary and language usage. 

  • You get reading comprehension exercises to reinforce understanding. 

  • Audio versions to help you build listening abilities. 

  • Vocabulary tools like dictionaries and keyword lists to help you memorize.

  • You can study on any device with synced progress tracking.

Why not use them:

  • The content is too advanced for absolute beginners. 

  • Less structured curriculum compared to traditional courses.

  • One-size-fits-all pricing regardless of usage or proficiency level. 


  • $10/month

  • $25 for 3 months

  • $45 for 6 months

  • $80 for 1-year subscription

Best LingQ Alternatives for Learning Italian


Preply, Best LingQ Alternatives to Learn Italian

Best for: Students looking for personalized Italian language instruction from independent tutors across a variety of specializations.

Description: Preply is an online platform that connects students with Italian tutors for one-on-one virtual lessons. 

Service overview:

Preply provides a flexible and affordable platform for learners to find independent Italian tutors for personalized virtual lessons for all sorts of specialties and budgets. 

Whether you want general Italian courses at beginner, intermediate, or advanced levels, or even specialized instruction in areas like business Italian, conversational practice, or test preparation, Preply offers a diverse array of options.

Learners browse and select tutors based on criteria like teaching experience, hourly rates, availability, specialties, and more. 

Lessons take place through Preply’s user-friendly video conferencing platform called Space. One of the key advantages is that tutors set their own hourly rates, with prices typically starting as low as $5 per hour.

Why use them:

  • You get personalized instruction from tutors you hand-pick.

  • It gives you the flexibility to find tutors fitting your budget, schedule, and specific needs.

  • There are a lot of courses beyond just general Italian. 

  • Affordable rates, especially for introductory/conversational lessons. 

Why not to use them:

  • Less structure/curriculum than traditional language schools

  • No guarantee of tutor quality or teaching methods

  • Tutors are independent, so policies/rates can vary

  • May lack supplemental materials/assessments of full courses


Tutors on Preply set their hourly rates, typically starting around $5 per 50-minute lesson. So, it all depends on the teacher you work with and their personal rates.  

Teacher Stefano

Teacher Stefano, Best LingQ Alternatives to Learn Italian

Best for: Learners of all levels looking for comprehensive Italian courses taught by an experienced instructor, supplemented by additional learning materials.

Description: As the name suggests, Teacher Stefano is an online Italian learning platform run by Stefano, an Italian teacher with over 8 years of experience. It offers structured courses as well as supplementary books, blogs, and podcasts.

Service overview:

The platform offers a comprehensive yet reasonably-priced solution for people who want to learn Italian through self-study courses. 

The core curriculum consists of four main courses: Idiomatic Phrases, Basic Italian (A2-B1 levels), Advanced “True Italian”, and a Beginner’s Course — covering essential grammar, vocabulary, expressions, cultural insights, and traditions. 

These courses incorporate interactive exercises and give you access to an online community for collaboration. 

You’ll also have extra learning resources such as short story books centered around relatable topics like Christmas and summer vacation, blog posts offering cultural context, and podcasts allowing practice in listening to authentic Italian conversations. 

Why use them:

  • All materials on the platform are created and taught by an experienced native Italian instructor.

  • Structured, level-appropriate courses from beginner to advanced. 

  • There are multiple course options to fit different learning needs/goals. 

  • You get extra learning materials to reinforce skills through reading, and listening practice.

  • The exercises and community provide you with opportunities for application and interaction. 

  • You pay once and get lifetime access to all course materials. 

Why not to use them:

  • There are no options for live courses or teacher interaction (you’ll have to self-study)

  • There is less flexibility compared to conversational-based practice or tutor coaching.

  • The whole thing relies on one instructor’s teaching methods. 

  • You’ll have to pay for the supplementary materials, and the prices are quite high. 


  • Courses: $159 each or 3 installments of $53

  • Short story books: $9.99 each

  • Podcasts: €4/month subscription

Best LingQ Alternatives for Learning German

Deutsche Welle 

Deutsche Welle, Best LingQ Alternatives to Learn German

Best for: Learners of all proficiency levels seeking free, self-study German courses.

Description: Deutsche Welle provides a collection of free online German courses ranging from beginner (A1) to advanced (C1-C2) levels. The courses aim to improve learners’ overall German language skills by providing level-appropriate topics and materials.

Service overview:

Deutsche Welle provides an extensive and high-quality collection of free multimedia German lessons suitable for self-motivated learners across all proficiency levels. 

Their curriculum offers structured courses neatly categorized into beginner (A1-A2), intermediate (B1-B2), and advanced (C1-C2) levels. 

And yes, you get the idea. While the beginner courses lay the foundation with basics like the German alphabet, grammar rules, and essential vocabulary, the higher-level programs focus on more specialized topics spanning politics, economics, and cultural subjects. 

Deutsche Welle’s learning materials include all types e of multimedia resources, including audio files, videos with subtitles, and engaging podcasts, to provide an immersive experience. 

Unique features like the “Word of the Week” help expand learners’ vocabulary. Alternatively, the podcasts serve as more flexible options for those preferring audio-based lessons over structured courses. 

Why use them:

  • It’s completely free to access all course materials and resources. 

  • It’s designed into a well-structured progression from beginner to advanced topics. 

  • They expose you to cultural topics beyond just language instruction. 

  • You have the flexibility to choose between full courses or supplemental podcasts.

Why not to use them:

  • No live instruction, teacher interaction, or feedback.

  • Limited interactivity compared to comprehensive learning platforms. 

  • There are no ways for formal assessments or progress tracking. 

  • It’s not suitable for absolute beginners needing very basic instruction. 


All courses and resources are completely free to access — no credit card required. 


Goethe-Institut, Best LingQ Alternatives to Learn German

Best for: Learners of all levels seeking high-quality German instruction from qualified teachers, with options for self-study or interactive online classes.

Description: The Goethe-Institut provides a range of online German courses taught by their experienced instructors. Course formats include self-paced lessons, virtual classroom courses, private tutoring, and more.

Service overview:

The Goethe-Institut caters to German learners of all levels, from beginner A1 to advanced C2. Their robust self-study courses deliver over 70 hours of independent lessons honing the learner’s reading and listening comprehension skills. 

For a more interactive experience, you can enroll in teacher-led group courses with a maximum of 15 students per live, virtual class conducted via Zoom. Alternatively, private one-on-one lessons allow for a fully customized curriculum tailored to your individual needs. 

The institute also hosts guided speaking practice sessions — which constitute great opportunities to converse with native German speakers. 

The exam preparation courses specially designed to prepare learners for Goethe’s certification tests further enhance the learning journey. 

Why use them:

  • The Goethe-Institut is quite reputable, and the courses are created to their renowned standards for quality German instruction. 

  • You have options for self-study or live, interactive classes with qualified teachers. 

  • You have the opportunity to practice conversational skills with native speakers. 

  • All proficiency levels are well-accommodated from beginners to advanced. 

Why not to use them:

  • Online courses can be more costly than other options. 

  • There is not as much flexibility as you get with self-paced programs from other providers. 

  • Self-study courses lack the interactivity of teacher-led formats. 


  • Self-Study Course: €129

  • Group Course (10 weeks): €439

  • Private Lessons (10 hours): €695

  • Intensive Group (75 lessons): €899

Best LingQ Alternatives for Learning English

Education First

Education First, Best LingQ Alternatives to Learn English

Best for: Learners of all levels looking to improve their overall English proficiency, with options for general, business, exam preparation, and more.

Description: Education First provides online English courses by experienced instructors across a variety of specialized formats like general English, business English, test prep, and more.

Service overview:

Education First is a premium and comprehensive online option for developing practical English abilities. Their wide-ranging curriculum encompasses five main course types: General English, Business English, Travel English, TOEFL Preparation, and TOEIC Preparation. 

One of their unique value propositions is their proprietary Efekta Method which seamlessly blends AI technologies, virtual learning environments, and digital resources to create a highly engaging and effective educational experience for learners. 

Their lessons are meticulously designed to build real-world English proficiency through learning scenarios incorporating reading, writing, listening, speaking, pronunciation, and vocabulary expansion. 

While their courses typically span 12 weeks, you can complete them at an accelerated pace. The company offers self-study materials, one-on-one private classes, and interactive group sessions. 

Why use them?:

  • You get experienced teaching staff providing personalized feedback

  • Highly interactive instruction replicating real-life English situations

  • Variety of specialized courses to match different goals (business, travel, exams)

  • You can self-study or have live class options fitting any schedule. 

Why not to use them:

  • Potentially more costly than community college courses or self-taught programs. 

  • No pricing transparency - must inquire for customized quotes. 


There are no pricing details on the company’s website, you’ll have to reach out to them to get a quote. Though, there is a belief their courses are premium priced.

BBC Learning English

BBC Learning English, Best LingQ Alternatives to Learn English

Best for: Beginner to intermediate English learners looking for bite-sized, free lessons that can easily fit into any schedule.

Description: BBC Learning English is a free online platform providing short lessons and podcasts to help people learn practical English skills up to the B2 level.

Service overview:

BBC Learning English offers daily lessons for beginner and intermediate-level learners who want to steadily enhance their English proficiency. 

Their bite-sized 6-minute video and audio lessons, ideal for on-the-go learning, cover topics from grammar and vocabulary to pronunciation and recent news events. 

Their lesson content goes from beginner to upper-intermediate (maximum B2) levels, so you can gradually progress through the curriculum. 

The “News” lessons provide insightful discussions about current happenings in the UK and worldwide, helping you stay updated while improving comprehension. 

Furthermore, BBC provides topical podcasts of around 6 minutes each. This is good for convenient vocabulary building and you can practice understanding authentic conversations. 

Why use them:

  • Completely free to access without any paid tiers. 

  • Bite-sized 6-minute lessons very convenient for busy schedules. 

  • Practical lessons focused on real-life English usage. 

  • Exposure to accents/topics from the UK and around the world. 

  • Audio podcast format allowing you to learn anywhere, anytime. 

Why not to use them:

  • No options for live instruction or teacher interaction. 

  • Learning levels max out at the B2 level, so it’s not ideal for advanced learners. 

  • No structured assessments.

  • Limited multimedia compared to comprehensive video-based courses.


The program is free. You get 100% free to access all lessons and podcast content

Best LingQ Alternatives for Learning Korean


Talking2Koreans, Best LingQ Alternatives to Learn Korean

Best for: Beginner to intermediate Korean learners looking for structured textbooks, workbooks, and supplemental audio resources for self-study.

Description: Talking2Koreans is a website providing Korean language learning materials created by experienced instructors, including textbook series, workbooks, listening resources, and audio files.

Resources overview:

Talking2Koreans provides an extensive collection of textbooks, workbooks, and audio materials developed by experienced Korean instructors. 

It’s the perfect platform for self-motivated Korean learners, especially those at the beginner level, to get the resources they need to learn. 

Their flagship offering is the two-part My Korean textbook series covering the fundamental basics of the Korean language through well-designed lessons and exercises. 

Complementing this are the Korean Through Active Listening books 1 and 2 — which focus specifically on building listening comprehension skills. 

If you’re more interested in practical conversations, the Strategies for Communicating in Korean textbook is the addition you need and you can get it on Amazon. Yes, it’s also theirs.

There are also available downloadable audio files read by native speakers you can leverage to reinforce. Moreover, you get interactive CALL (computer-assisted language learning) exercises to accompany the My Korean 1 and 2 books.

Why use them:

  • Access structured textbook courses as a curriculum for learning Korean.

  • Audio resources ideal for developing your listening abilities. 

  • All the materials on the website are created by seasoned Korean instructors. 

  • The self-study format allows you to learn at your own pace. 

  • Relatively affordable compared to live classes. 

Why not to use them:

  • No live courses, tutoring, or feedback provided. 

  • Limited multimedia/interactive content beyond textbooks/audio. 

  • Lacks cultural materials compared to more immersive programs. 

  • No clear pricing listed for materials on the website. 


There are no prices listed on the website, and you’ll most likely have to purchase the materials individually. 

Loecsen Korean

Loecsen Korean, Best LingQ Alternatives to Learn Korean

Best for: Complete beginners looking to build a foundation in Korean through interactive lessons covering the alphabet, pronunciation, basic vocabulary, and grammar.

Description: Loecsen is a free online platform teaching the fundamentals of the Korean language through a course with audio, voice recognition tools, and flashcards.

Course overview:

The course starts by introducing learners to the Korean alphabet (Hangul) and pronunciation rules. 

Next, you get bite-sized lessons that teach you the shapes, sounds, and rules for each of the 14 consonants and 10 vowels through written explanations, pronunciation audio clips, and practice exercises.

Once the alphabet basics are covered, the course progresses to essential vocabulary through topics like greetings, numbers, colors, time, transportation, and more. Each vocabulary word is presented with:

  • The Hangul writing

  • Romanized pronunciation

  • English translation

  • Audio clip by a native speaker

  • Pronunciation example via voice recognition software

There are grammar lessons that teach you core principles like word order, case markers, verb conjugations, and more through clear examples and exercises.

The lessons make use of several reinforcement tools including downloadable PDF word lists, interactive flashcard decks for vocabulary practice, and line-by-line audio for pronunciation exercises.

While the course is primarily text/audio-based, some lessons do use simple images as visual aids for teaching things like colors or vocabulary related to places/objects.

The course is estimated to take 45-71 hours to complete all modules at a beginner’s pace, making it an incredibly comprehensive free resource for Korean language fundamentals.

Why use it:

  • Completely free to access all lessons and resources. 

  • Systematic introduction to the basics from the alphabet up. 

  • Audio components allowing you to get your pronunciation right early on. 

  • Voice recognition for practicing speaking skills. 

  • Flashcards enabling active recall of vocabulary. 

  • Self-paced format letting you learn on your schedule. 

Why not to use it:

  • The materials on the site are limited to just beginner level.

  • There are no options for live instruction or teacher feedback.

  • Audio is the only multimedia aspect. 

  • Lack of context like dialogues, and cultural elements. 

Pricing: 100% free

Best LingQ Alternatives for Learning Portuguese

Polly Lingual 

Polly Lingual, Best LingQ Alternatives to Learn Portuguese

Best for: Learners focused on developing a comprehensive knowledge of Portuguese grammar, vocabulary, and specific topics/fields.

Description: Polly Lingual is an online Portuguese learning program with an extensive curriculum covering grammar rules, vocabulary, reading, listening, and more across all proficiency levels.

Course overview:

Polly Lingual starts their curriculum covering grammar fundamentals like nouns, verbs, and pronouns. You also get topical vocabulary around everyday themes like family, animals, and emotions as well as more specialized subjects like business and travel. 

Uniquely, Polly Lingual also offers courses tailored to niche areas such as medical and financial Portuguese vocabulary. Learners also have access to extra learning materials like verb conjugation trainers and crossword puzzles. 

Furthermore, you can opt for personalized guidance by booking live one-on-one tutoring sessions with native Portuguese tutors. 

Why use it:

  • Comprehensive curriculum covering all facets of the language.

  • Specialized vocabulary for professional and academic fields.

  • Supplemental exercises and activities to reinforce lessons. 

  • Live tutoring for conversational practice and personalized feedback from experts.

  • Caters to learners at any proficiency level.

Why not to use it:

  • There is no transparency around pricing and subscription models. 

  • No mobile apps or offline access. 

  • Live tutoring is likely an added cost on top of course fees. 

Pricing: Its pricing details aren’t available on their website; you can contact them to get a quote. 


FluentU, Best LingQ Alternatives to Learn Portuguese

Best for: Learners of all levels looking to improve their Portuguese comprehension skills through engaging video content.

Description: FluentU is a video-based learning platform that uses clips from TV shows, movies, music videos, and more to teach Portuguese language and culture in an entertaining, contextual way.

Service overview:

FluentU revolutionizes the way Portuguese learners develop their language. The core service is an extensive library of curated video clips from real-world Portuguese media, carefully leveled for learners of all proficiencies. 

These videos come equipped with interactive subtitles that enable instant access to definitions and grammar explanations like verb tenses, ensuring clarity. After each video, personalized quizzes reinforce comprehension while spaced repetition flashcards bolster vocabulary acquisition. 

For beginners, FluentU provides lessons covering essential vocabulary and concepts. The cross-platform accessibility, including mobile apps, allows learners to seamlessly continue their studies anytime, anywhere. 

There are also audio dialogues specifically designed for practicing pronunciation and listening comprehension as a way to complement the video lessons. 

Why use them:

  • You get immersive, contextual learning through real-world video content. 

  • Interactive features like subtitles and quizzes boost active engagement. 

  • Exposure to accents, slang, and cultural context from native materials. 

  • Multimodal learning through video, audio, text, and exercises. 

  • Mobile apps allowing flexible, anytime study sessions. 

Why not to use them:

  • The course is more comprehension-focused, and there is not as much production practice. 

  • Less structured curriculum compared to traditional courses. 

  • Not ideal for absolute beginners with no prior knowledge. 

Pricing: $29.99 per month with a 14-day free trial. 

Hire Get French Class to Teach You French Online

Every company on this list will provide you with online French learning services to help learners develop their French skills.

However, you need to go for a company that takes a more personalized approach, doesn’t give you random words to translate, or uses some ineffective learning resources that won’t help you in the long run. If this is what you’re looking for, you’re in for a treat. 

We believe heavily in asking meaningful questions to understand our clients and creating a personalized teaching plan that makes an impact. 

We also take the time to understand your French learning goals and tailor our teaching approach to each individual. Then, we deliver high-quality service that leaves a lasting positive impression on our learners. 

So, if you're looking for a personalized and effective online French teaching service, Get French Class is the best alternative to LingQ. Our teaching approach is super effective, and we ensure that you get the most out of your investment.

🇫🇷 Learn From Meghan's Mistakes!

Meghan spent months trying out techniques like vocabulary memorization, spaced repetition, and gamification apps like Duolingo. None of it worked, instead it ended up being total waste of time and money. She had a breakthrough only after discovering Get French Classes where she went through our active immersion, that helped her:

  1. build the daily habits of speaking French,

  2. practice under real-life scenarios through private French classes,

  3. improve fluency through group classes with other French learners.

Join one of our French courses and start speaking French today.